Sunday, January 8, 2012

Muscles of Shank

Muscles of the shank:
The muscles of the shank are exposed once the skin is removed and can be identified once separated from one another.
Medial View of the Gastonemius:
Lateral View of the Gastronemious:

Gastronemius: This is the large muscle in the calf. To isolate this muscle, use your probe to remove all fat and connective tissue around the shank and lower hind leg so that you will be able to clearly see the separation points of the muscles in the area. On the lateral side, look for a separating point that runs vertically from the middle of the hind leg and break through it with your probe. This should go through to other side separating the muscle from the bone and other muscles attached to it.

Soleus: This muscle lies deep in the gastronemius. Once the gastronemius is isolated, look inside towards the middle of it for a separation point under the fat and connective tissue and break through once found. Keep breaking through the connective tissue to the other separation point to isolate. You may pull out (do not detach) the muscle for a better view if needed.

Tibialis anterior: This is the most ventral muscle of the shank and lies upon the tibia. Once the skin is removed this muscle is easily identifiable and is located at the front of the shank under the knee and above the ankle. Find the two separating points in the front under the fat and connective tissue and break through them to expose the wide muscle of the tibia.

This group of deeper muscles of the lower hind leg originates from the tibia and the distal end of the femur:
Extensor digitorum longus: This muscle is shaped like a narrow band and ends as a long, tough tendon. It is located beside the tibialis major and can be found by locating the edge of the muscle from the separation point between it and the tibialis and continuing to break the connective tissue from underneath to the next separating point from its neighboring muscle.
*Be sure not to rip the muscle off on the other hand as it does turn to a thin tendon on the bottom.
Peroneus longus: This muscle can be located beside the extensor digitorum longus and can be found in the same way as well. All you have to do is follow the separation point from the first side that has already been exposed all the way through to other with your probe separating out the muscle from the others.

Peroneus tertuis: This is the last of the deeper muscles of the shank located next to the peroneus longus. It can be found by locating the last separation point by breaking through the connective tissue and isolating the thin muscle.

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